1st International Summer School on Micro and Nano-fabrication tools for innovating applied electronics and fundamental research (MINATO 2024)

1st International Summer School on Micro and Nano-fabrication tools for innovating applied electronics and fundamental research (MINATO 2024) that will be held in Toulouse (France) from June 24th to July 19th

Micro and Nano technologies are nowadays “Key Enabling Technologies” for innovating applied science (electronics, high sensitivity sensors, energy harvesting and storage, quantum technology…) and fundamental research in numerous experimental fields (physics, chemistry, electronics, photonics, …). The Summer School aims at introducing micro&nano fabrication techniques, with a hands-on interdisciplinary approach that alternates lectures and experimental practices (more than 50% of time) at AIME-INSA clean rooms.

MINATO is aimed at students wishing to acquire initial training and skills in the field of micro and nanotechnologies, and discovering the so-called «French art the vivre» in the south of France.

Students will design their own summer school program with one (for 2 weeks) or two lab work (4 weeks) training sessions among:

  • Track 1: Microelectronics – MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) technology
  • Track 2: Energy – Integrated energy harvesting and storage technologies
  • Track 3: Nano chemistry – Chemical sensors based on nano-objects
  • Track 4: Nano physics – Remarkable properties of devices integrating 2D materials
  • Track 5: Quantum physics and technology – Ultrasensitive Sensors and quantum cryptography.

Our objective is to bring together a diverse, multi-cultural public with different educational backgrounds (degrees from bachelor of science and up to PhD level, in the fields of mathematics, electronics, physics and chemistry) to encourage cooperation, cultural and scientific exchanges.

MINATO, fully taught in English, is organized by INSA Toulouse engineer school and NanoX graduate school of research and will credit 5 ECTS and 10 ECTS for 2 and 4 weeks programs respectively.

Numerous social events and guided tours to Airbus facilities, in world heritage sites by UNESCO (Carcassonne, Canal du Midi, …) will be organized.

Registrations are now open until the 29th of april 2024.

For more information and registration: https://www.aime-toulouse.fr/summer-school-minato/

Summer in Riga Technical University (Latvia) – Welcome to join and participate

Greetings from Riga, Latvia! We are happy to inform you that upcoming SUMMER 2024 is full of wonders. This year we are offering inspiring summer schools in ICT, Languages and Leadership.

In the Summer of 2024 we are planning to offer five summer schools:

•             Nanophotonics: Close-up for the Future 

•             Swarm Master: Drone Fleet Commander Bootcamp

•             The NEXT | The Young Global Leaders Camp 

•             Intensive English and Cross-Cultural Communication

•             Time Capsule of Latvian Footprints

You can find more detailed information (including dates, pricing, etc.) on our web page – https://www.rtu.lv/en/studies/short-term-studies/summer-schools

We would like to remind that the RTU Summer is a fantastic combination of knowledge, practical skills, cultural experinece and, of course, new friends and connections for life J

Join and enjoy!!!

Abierta convocatoria extraordinaria de becas Erasmus “European Education Pathways (ENHANCE) 2024-25 – ETSINF”.

Abierta convocatoria extraordinaria de becas Erasmus “European Education Pathways (ENHANCE) 2024-25 – ETSINF”.

Está dirigida a alumnado de 2º del MUIinf o de 4º del GII (en este último caso para realizar una estancia únicamente en el semestre B del 2024-25) en alguno de los destinos siguientes participantes .

La oferta de asignaturas de cada destino está detallada en el adjunto. El reconocimiento de las asignaturas adjuntas por optatividad para 4ºB GII o 2ºB MUIInf está asegurada.

Italia: Politecnico di Milano (I MILANO02)
Chalmers University of Technology (S GOTEBOR02)

Noruega: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (N TRONDHEI01)
Polonia: Warsaw University of Technology (PL WARSZAW02)

La solicitud es muy fácil, solo tienes que rellenar el formulario en https://aplicat.upv.es/aire-app/ (o busca en tu intranet UPV la aplicación “AIRE”), subir tu nivel de inglés y seleccionar qué destino(s) te interesa(n), por orden de prioridad, si eliges más de uno.

El plazo de solicitud es el 8 de abril. Ya que hay pocos días, al tratarse de una convocatoria extraordinaria, deja como “registrada” cuanto antes tu solicitud, para que pueda ser revisada.

Si tienes alguna duda, escribe a int_inf@etsinf.upv.es y nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible.

Ten en cuenta que la Oficina Internacional y el centro permanecerán cerrados del 29 al 8 de abril. En caso de dudas, puedes registrar tu solicitud (se tendrá en cuenta la última registrada) y nos pondremos en contacto lo antes posible.

1st International Summer School on Micro and Nano-fabrication tools for innovating applied electronics and fundamental research (MINATO 2024)

1st International Summer School on Micro and Nano-fabrication tools for innovating applied electronics and fundamental research (MINATO 2024), that will be held in Toulouse (France) from June 24th to July 19th

Micro and Nano technologies are nowadays “Key Enabling Technologies” for innovating applied science (electronics, high sensitivity sensors, energy harvesting and storage, quantum technology…) and fundamental research in numerous experimental fields (physics, chemistry, electronics, photonics, …). The Summer School aims at introducing micro&nano fabrication techniques, with a hands-on interdisciplinary approach that alternates lectures and experimental practices (more than 50% of time) at AIME-INSA clean rooms.

MINATO is aimed at students wishing to acquire initial training and skills in the field of micro and nanotechnologies, and discovering the so-called «French art the vivre» in the south of France.

Students will design their own summer school program with one (for 2 weeks) or two lab work (4 weeks) training sessions among:

  • Track 1: Microelectronics – MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) technology
  • Track 2: Energy – Integrated energy harvesting and storage technologies
  • Track 3: Nano chemistry – Chemical sensors based on nano-objects
  • Track 4: Nano physics – Remarkable properties of devices integrating 2D materials
  • Track 5: Quantum physics and technology – Ultrasensitive Sensors and quantum cryptography.

Our objective is to bring together a diverse, multi-cultural public with different educational backgrounds (degrees from bachelor of science and up to PhD level, in the fields of mathematics, electronics, physics and chemistry) to encourage cooperation, cultural and scientific exchanges.

MINATO, fully taught in English, is organized by INSA Toulouse engineer school and NanoX graduate school of research and will credit 5 ECTS and 10 ECTS for 2 and 4 weeks programs respectively.

Numerous social events and guided tours to Airbus facilities, in world heritage sites by UNESCO (Carcassonne, Canal du Midi, …) will be organized.

Please find attached the MINATO flyer for more information. 

Registrations are now open until the 22th of april 2024.

For more information and registration: https://www.aime-toulouse.fr/summer-school-minato/



Solicita la beca hasta el 21 de marzo de 2024

Una vez leída la convocatoria, rellena esta hoja de inscripción y preséntala junto a uno de los requisitos que debes de cumplir: 

  • Solicitantes de la beca para B2:
    • Haber superado una asignatura de nivel B2 en su escuela o facultad.
    • Haber acreditado el nivel de B2 en el grado a partir de cualquiera de las vías previstas en la normativa de la UPV.
    • Haber cursado un nivel B2 o superior en el Centro de Lenguas.

Solicitantes de la beca para C1:

  • Acreditar el nivel de B2 a partir de cualquier certificado reconocido en las tablas ACLES.
  • Haber cursado un nivel C1 o superior en el Centro de Lenguas.

en las oficinas de Registro General de la UPV:

Campus de Vera: (Edif. 3F, junto a rectorado) Horario: lunes a viernes de 9 a 14 horas.

o telemáticamente si dispones de certificado digital o clave en el registro electrónico de la Administración General del Estado:  https://rec.redsara.es/registro/action/are/acceso.do

o a través de la sede electrónica de la UPV: https://sede.upv.es/,

Más información: https://cdl.upv.es/examenes-y-pruebas/becas-linguae/becas-plan-linguae-de-ayuda-a-la-matricula-del-examen-certacles-b2-en-ingles-frances-o-aleman

Sesión informativa sobre prácticas externas dirigida a estudiantes de la ETSINF 

Temas a tratar: 

  • Posibilidad de realizar estancias en una universidad de Francia (F ROUEN07). Profesor Antonio Martí Campoy (DISCA) 
  • Becas del Centro de Cooperación al Desarrollo UPV 
  • Becas Erasmus+ Prácticas 
  • Otros programas para estancias en el extranjero 
  • Resolución de dudas sobre la formalización de prácticas externas, concretamente fechas límite de entrega de convenios en períodos no lectivos (Fallas, Semana Santa y verano) 
  • Consejos para prepararte el próximo Foro de Empleo (29-30 mayo) y actividades de la semana previa 
  • Presentación IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) 

Te esperamos! 

Solicita el Seminario Híbrido “Ethics and Epistemology of AI” (online + 1 semana presencial en Berlín)

Abierto periodo de solicitudes para Seminario Híbrido “Ethics and Epistemology of AI” (online + 1 semana presencial en Berlín) ofrecido por la TU Berlin, socia de la UPV en la Alianza ENHANCE.
Está abierto a estudiantes de 4º de grado, máster y doctorado. No son necesarios conocimientos previos de IA.

La UPV financiará 5 becas Erasmus BIP para participar.

Límite para presentar solicitudes (directamente a la TU Berlin): 10 de marzo

Más información:

Programa SICUE ¿Quieres estudiar en 2024-25 en otra universidad del estado español?

Convocatoria SICUE 2024-25 – Abierta para solicitudes hasta el 4 de marzo de 2024.
Estancias académicas de 1 semestre o curso completo (según condiciones de la
titulación) en universidades del estado español para estudiantes de Grado.


    • Los solicitantes deberán
      haber superado al menos 45 créditos de su titulación UPV hasta el curso 22/23
      y estar matriculados en 30 créditos más en la misma titulación del curso 23/24.

    • En el caso de alumnos
      procedentes de traslado, deberán tener superados un mínimo de 45 ECTS en
      la UPV.

  • Se deberán cumplir los
    requisitos adicionales que fije cada Escuela/Facultad UPV para sus alumnos
    de intercambio.

información: en intranet UPV (AIRE) y en https://www.upv.es/entidades/OPII/infoweb/pi/info/761226normalc.html

2024 Summer Short Courses at the University of Leicester

2024 summer short courses offered by the Centre for International Training and Education for both students and academic staff.

International Summer Programmes

This year, we are offering four International Summer Programmes in August, including a new option, English for Business. All are designed to improve general and academic English skills as well as give students a taste of life at a British university.

English for Business International Summer Programme – this is aimed at business students who would like to improve their English for use in a business context whilst being introduced to a range of business topics in a lecture series.

English for Humanities International Summer Programme – this is ideal for students who wish to improve their academic and general English while learning about British theatre, literature and film.

English for Medics International Summer Programme – this longstanding course is for medical students who wish to improve their English in a medical setting, as well as find out about contemporary health and medical topics in the UK.

Leicester Discovery International Summer Programme – Discovery is ideal for students who wish to improve their language skills through a range of activities encouraging the use of spoken English, in addition to daily English classes.

We have two scholarships available, one reserved for students of University of Leicester partners. For more information, please contact summer@le.ac.uk.

Teacher Development Programmes

Our two week TDPs are aimed at experienced teachers who wish to continue their professional development in a UK university setting.

EAP Teacher Development Programme – EAP TDP is designed for experienced English teachers who wish to learn more about the features of English for Academic Purposes and its teaching. The Rachel Abounouar Scholarship is open for applications.

EMI Teacher Development Programme – EMI TDP is aimed at developing the teaching skills of academic staff who are teaching or intending to teach their subject in English.

More information: internationalcpd@le.ac.uk.

Study Abroad Unit

Centre for International Training and Education

External Relations Division

University of Leicester | University Road | Leicester | LE1 7RH | UK

w: www.le.ac.uk