Aalto Science Institute international summer research (internship) programme 2024

Programa de verano con beca para estudiantes de grado o máster de universidades socias (como ETSINF). El lugar de realización es en Espoo, Finlandia (Aalto University, Otaniemi campus).
Las solicitudes se pueden realizar hasta el 29 de enero de 2024.
Aquí puedes consultar la lista de proyectos por áreas ofertados.
La estancia se realiza durante 12 semanas entre junio y agosto de 2024:

Internship, get to know Finland course, poster exhibitionJune-August 2024 (12 weeks) 

Más información:
Aalto Science Institute international summer research (internship) programme, which offers undergraduate and master’s students summer employment opportunities to participate first-hand in topical research, to interact with the premier research groups at Aalto University, and to network in an international environment. In support of AScI’s role in internationalisation, the internships are open to students from all countries. If you have questions related to this opportunity, please send them to the AScI staff (see below).

  • The application period for the 2024 programme is 02.01.2024 – 29.01.2024.
  • There are 60 research positions in 53 projects in 11 departments across the School of Science and the three Engineering schools. 

Further information can be found here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/aalto-science-institute-asci/aalto-science-institute-international-summer-research-programme

The application instructions are available at the link above, see «How to apply to the AScI international summer research programme». Please also check the FAQ for most frequently asked questions. You can contact the AScI programme at:

UTokyo – Engineering Summer Program (ESEP-G2023)

Desde la University of Tokyo organizan un programa de verano para estudiantes de universidades socias como la UPV y en el que becan a alumnos entrantes para investigar durante los meses de verano.

Las personas interesadas deben presentar directamente las candidaturas. La deadline es el 11 de enero:

2023 Summer Program : ESEP-G (Engineering Summer Education Program-G) from June 26 to August 4, 2023, for students of our partner institutions.

This program offers top-class students short-term research experience in the basic and translational sciences in our world-leading laboratories at UTokyo.

Regardless of the number of applicants, any eligible student wishing to participate can apply as an individual through our online system.

For more details about the program and the application information, please see our website.


ESEP-G 2023 (Engineering Summer Education Program-G)

1. Schedule

  June 26th – August 4th, 2023 (6 weeks)

2. Eligibility

・Undergraduate students who have completed at least 2 full years in a bachelor’s degree program before the program starts

・Graduate students

3. Maximum number of participants

20 students

4. Financial support

  Stipend: JPY 160,000

5. Accommodation

  Off-campus accommodation will be provided by UTokyo.

6. Applications

Applicants must apply for the program through the T-cens SP online application system.

To log in, create an account here:


7. Application deadline

  3:00 pm on January 11th, 2023 (Japan time)

8. Special conditions regarding COVID-19

1) The in-person program will be cancelled if Japan’s travel restrictions and quarantine measures due to the influence of COVID-19 are in effect as of March 1st, 2023. There will be no postponement nor re-opening.

2) Only those laboratories offering both in-person and online courses will allow students to switch from in-person courses to online courses upon confirming their intentions. Please refer to our website for more details.

URL: http://oice.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/exchange/Summerprogram.html

STEM SUMMER at University of Memphis (1-23 julio 2023)

El Lunes 19 vienen a la UPV a informar de las becas de la embajada de EEUU para una estancia de 3 semanas, del 1 al 23 de julio de 2023, en la Universidad de Memphis para alumnos de Grado interesados en cursar estudios de Master en EEUU.

Este proyecto tiene el objetivo de mejorar las oportunidades profesionales en STEM para estudiantes de grado de España y Andorra en Estados Unidos. Este proyecto está financiado por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Madrid.

El programa tiene una duración de 3 semanas y los estudiantes tendrán clases de inglés, desarrollo profesional y un simposio de investigación por la mañanas. Por las tardes harán una pequeña estancia de investigación en laboratorios de la universidad.

La página web del programa es: https://www.memphis.edu/spain/ 
Más información (adjunta) . Las solicitudes se podrán realizar del 28 de diciembre al 28 de febrero de 2023.

La charla será presencialmente en el American Space UPV el 19 de diciembre a las 13:00h. Podrá seguirse también por zoom en el siguiente link:


VIA´s summer school programme 2023 is ready!

VIA UNIVERSITY ya ha compartido la información sobre sus escuelas de verano para el próximo año. En esta entrada puedes informarte sobre ello, y recuerda que los estudiantes de universidades socias (es el caso de ETSINF) pueden solicitar no pagar tasas.

New additions to the course list for 2023
For 2023, VIA offers 7 summer school courses, of which two are brand new developments. Like last year students can join 2d TV-Animation and Deep Dive into Entrepreneurship as well as International Health: Welfare Technology and Dementia, Multi-Story Timber Constructions and the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals summer schools.

New additions this year are Crowdsourcing and strategic innovation communication on digital platforms and Sustainable Intrapreneurship.

The full course list is ready and the application system is now open.

Remember you are always very welcome to contact us at summerschool@via.dk, if you need more information.

Find the full course list here!

Summer School online info meetings

In January, there will be two online meetings about VIA’s Summer School 2023 programme, where students and counsellors can learn more about the content of the 7 courses and plenty of time for Q&A.

– 19 January 2023, 4-5 PM – Sign up here!
– 24 January 2023, 4-5 PM – Sign up here!

Universidades internacionales de verano 2022

summer programs

Os informamos que en el apartado superior «Universidades de Verano» del Blog de RRII ETSINF, encontraréis información que iremos actualizando continuamente acerca de cursos de verano de distintas Universidades que nos llegan a la Oficina Internacional ETSINF.

Las universidades van publicando la información respecto al verano de 2022, a partir de diciembre de 2021. Ten en cuenta que  suele haber un plazo de solicitud temprano «Early Bird» que tiene descuentos. En algunos destinos, si el estudiante es de una universidad socia Erasmus, aplican descuentos adicionales o no se pagan tasas académicas de los cursos. Consulta en el destino de tu interés, en su caso y comunica tu intención de hacer una solicitud a la Oficina Internacional ETSINF (int_inf@upvnet.upv.es) para que te podamos «nominar» como estudiante beneficiario de esos descuentos o beneficios.

Si estás pensando mejorar tu competencia en idiomas y, a la vez, adquirir otras competencias transversales o conocimientos técnicos extracurriculares, estos programas te permitirán hacerlo, en ocasiones con menor coste que si realizas únicamente un curso de idioma en el extranjero.

Por ejemplo, esta universidad de verano en Linköping (Suecia), universidad socia Erasmus+ de la ETSINF, propone un programa de 4 semanas, del 4 de julio al 29 de julio de 2022:

5th Linköping University Summer Academy:

All courses are at bachelor’s level, credit bearing (7.5 ECTS), will be taught in English and are full-time. For students from LiU’s partner universities the LiU Summer Academy is tuition free.

On 1st February 2022 we will open for students to apply on our website. The admission application deadline is 25th March, 2022 (midnight CET). To apply the student needs a transcript showing 60 ECTS or equivalent passed, as well as a nomination certificate, signed and stamped by their international coordinator.

Housing will be provided; a completely furnished single room with access to a fully equipped shared kitchen. We have an Accommodation package (including rent, bed linen, blanket, internet access, a regional bus pass, a gym membership, and a final room cleaning) for 5500 SEK (approximately 530€).

More information on the LiU Summer Academy can be found at our website: https://liu.se/en/article/linkoping-university-summer-academy or on the following poster:

University Summer Academy en Suecia (Linköping)

La universidad socia Erasmus+ de la ETSINF en Suecia, Linköping University ofrece plazas gratuitas para estudiantes de universidades socias en sus cursos de verano de 4 semanas, del 29 de junio al 27 de julio de 2018.

En caso de interés, debes escribir un email a int_inf@upvnet.upv.es, con asunto «Solicitud Linköping University Summer Academy» hasta el 4 de marzo de 2018, para tener opción a la nominación.

Requisitos: tener al menos 1º superado y nivel de inglés B2.

Tienes toda la información detallada en: https://liu.se/utbildning/summeracademy?l=en

CALL FOR IDEAS – CREA Summer Academy 2015: Cities of the Future through Service Innovation

Would you like to start an innovative company providing services for Cities of the Future? Do you have an amazing idea that could contribute to higher quality of life in cities? Are you interested in addressing societal and environmental challenges (e.g. aging population, pollution or inefficient energy use in the cities)? Do you have ideas for encouraging healthier lifestyle, improving care services and processes, or addressing food security challenges with the help of ICT?

Join us between 12 and 22 July 2015 at the Ljubljana Summer Academy ‘Cities of the Future through Service Innovation’ and start your (ad)venture with University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science (UL FRI) & Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR).

The deadline for applications is 15 May 2015. You can apply individually or in a team at: www.f6s.com/crea.

You can find more information at: http://www.creasummeracademy.eu/.


International Summer School in Game Development

Turku University of Applied Sciences and Applied Sciences and University of Turku organize together an International Summer School in Game Development from 10th to 28th August.

This 3-week summer programme provides opportunities to develop both theoretical and hands-on knowledge in game design, programming, arts, audio and testing. The Summer School is aimed undergraduated students with basic skills in programming or graphic design. However, the most important requirement is an enthusiasm to learn.

Registration open until 18th May 2015.

More info here and at the official webpage.


The Hague Summer School

The Hague Summer School in the Netherlands will take place from July 6 till 31, 2015. Students can choose to come for a two-week (4 ECTS points) or a four-week period (8 ECTS points).

The course will teach about how to work with the strengths of public and private sectors to make a better world. The programme contains interesting modules, social activities, company visits and guest speakers. Students will be challenged to work hard, practice self-reflection and personal coaching.

UPV students will receive a discount of €100 for two weeks (€ 1.399,- instead of € 1.499,- for the full package) and € 200 for four weeks (€ 2.799,- instead of € 2.999,- for the full package).The price includes tuition fee, housing, and in-programme activities & lunch.

Please check the complete programme on our website and this animation with information on the programme. Watch the video from last years edition and see how students enjoyed The Hague Summer School. Additional info here.
