Programa SICUE ¿Quieres estudiar en 2024-25 en otra universidad del estado español?

Convocatoria SICUE 2024-25 – Abierta para solicitudes hasta el 4 de marzo de 2024.
Estancias académicas de 1 semestre o curso completo (según condiciones de la
titulación) en universidades del estado español para estudiantes de Grado.


    • Los solicitantes deberán
      haber superado al menos 45 créditos de su titulación UPV hasta el curso 22/23
      y estar matriculados en 30 créditos más en la misma titulación del curso 23/24.

    • En el caso de alumnos
      procedentes de traslado, deberán tener superados un mínimo de 45 ECTS en
      la UPV.

  • Se deberán cumplir los
    requisitos adicionales que fije cada Escuela/Facultad UPV para sus alumnos
    de intercambio.

información: en intranet UPV (AIRE) y en

2024 Summer Short Courses at the University of Leicester

2024 summer short courses offered by the Centre for International Training and Education for both students and academic staff.

International Summer Programmes

This year, we are offering four International Summer Programmes in August, including a new option, English for Business. All are designed to improve general and academic English skills as well as give students a taste of life at a British university.

English for Business International Summer Programme – this is aimed at business students who would like to improve their English for use in a business context whilst being introduced to a range of business topics in a lecture series.

English for Humanities International Summer Programme – this is ideal for students who wish to improve their academic and general English while learning about British theatre, literature and film.

English for Medics International Summer Programme – this longstanding course is for medical students who wish to improve their English in a medical setting, as well as find out about contemporary health and medical topics in the UK.

Leicester Discovery International Summer Programme – Discovery is ideal for students who wish to improve their language skills through a range of activities encouraging the use of spoken English, in addition to daily English classes.

We have two scholarships available, one reserved for students of University of Leicester partners. For more information, please contact

Teacher Development Programmes

Our two week TDPs are aimed at experienced teachers who wish to continue their professional development in a UK university setting.

EAP Teacher Development Programme – EAP TDP is designed for experienced English teachers who wish to learn more about the features of English for Academic Purposes and its teaching. The Rachel Abounouar Scholarship is open for applications.

EMI Teacher Development Programme – EMI TDP is aimed at developing the teaching skills of academic staff who are teaching or intending to teach their subject in English.

More information:

Study Abroad Unit

Centre for International Training and Education

External Relations Division

University of Leicester | University Road | Leicester | LE1 7RH | UK



La UPV, a través del Vicerectorat d’Organització d’Estudis, Qualitat, Acreditació i Llengües, convoca ajudes del Programa de Mobilitat DRAC de la Xarxa Vives d’Universitats, amb l’objectiu general de fomentar la mobilitat acadèmica entre les universitats de la Xarxa Vives


  • estudiants matriculats en el curs 2023-2024 a la Universitat Politècnica de València que estiguen cursant estudis de grau, amb més de 45 crèdits aprovats; estudis de màster oficial universitari o estudis de doctorat
  • personal universitari (PDI i PTGAS) en situació de servei actiu a la UPV


  • ESTUDIANTS: assistir a cursos, seminaris, estades de recerca o altres activitats de la Xarxa Vives o de les universitats participants en el programa DRAC de la Xarxa Vives
  • PDI: participar en jornades o reunions relacionades amb el lloc de treball o  impartir docència en valencià o participar en projectes de difusió del valencià a les universitats
  • PTGAS: realitzar estades en serveis, oficines o laboratoris iguals o similars al propi o participar en jornades o reunions relacionades amb el lloc de treball, així com participar en projectes de difusió del valencià a les universitats

QUANTIA DE LES AJUDES: L’ajuda cobreix les despeses d’allotjament, inscripció i desplaçament de mobilitats físiques:

  1. despeses d’allotjament i inscripció o matrícula (si escau): fins un màxim de 420 euros; en cap cas s’hi inclouran les despeses de manutenció.
  2. despeses de desplaçament: fins al màxim que estableix el quadre d’ajuts al desplaçaments DRAC publicat a la web de la Xarxa Vives d’Universitats.


  1. períodes de sol·licituds:

– 1r. fins al 28 de febrer de 2024

– 2n. De l’1 de març al 15 de setembre de 2024

  • presentació de sol·licituds: exclusivament de manera telemàtica per mitjà de la seu electrònica de la UPV (, “presentació de sol·licitud genèrica”, adreçades al Servei de Promoció i Normalització Lingüística, i hauran d’anar acompanyades de la documentació que s’indica en cada convocatòria


MÉS INFORMACIÓ: > ajudes del programa DRAC a la mobilitat

PUNT D’INFORMACIÓ DE LA UPV DE LES AJUDES DRAC: Servei de Promoció i Normalització Lingüística (,, 96 387 77 08)

Recordatorio: Convocatoria Pan-European Seal 2024-25

Os informamos que está publicada la convocatoria para la pre-selección de titulados de GRADO y/o estudiantes/titulados de MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO UPV (con compromiso de finalizarlo en septiembre de 2024, en caso de estar ahora cursándolo) para el nuevo programa “Pan-European Seal Programme”.
La información está disponible en la web de Prácticas en Empresa del SIE:

Qué se ofrece: Preselección para participar en el proceso de selección para prácticas de 12 meses en la EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE (EPO) en MUNICH ALEMANIA, y con posibilidad de ampliarlo hasta 3 años ó en la OFICINA DE PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA (EUIPO) en ALICANTE con una remuneración mensual  (en caso de la EPO 2.200€ Brutos/mes, en caso de la EUIPO 1200€ Brutos/mes), del ámbito de las Ciencias y las Ingenierías (en concreto de las áreas de  conocimiento de ingeniería química, biotecnología, ingeniería mecánica, ingeniería eléctrica, ingeniería electrónica, diseño industrial, informática, e ingeniería de telecomunicaciones); de la  Arquitectura, Ingeniería Civil , Logística, Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Administración y Dirección de Empresas y Económicas & Finanzasdependiendo de las plazas ofertadas en una oficina u otra, pues estas son diferentes.

A quién va dirigido: titulados de GRADO y/o estudiantes de MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO UPV (con compromiso de finalizarlo en septiembre 2024, en caso de estar ahora cursándolo)

Plazo: antes de las 14:00 de 22 de febrero de 2024

Dónde: Enviar la documentación de solicitud a:

Servicio Integrado de Empleo UPV (SIE)
Telfs. 96.387.90.14; 96.387.78.87

Summer schools: Summer Programs at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences – Registration open

As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming summer, we invite you to encourage your students to embark on transformative learning experiences through our International Summer University (ISU) and Summer University Lingen (SUL) programs. Here’s a closer look at what each program offers:

1. International Summer University (ISU) – Osnabrück Campus

  • Duration: July 11 – August 2, 2024
  • Courses: A diverse array, including Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability, Marketing, Organisational Culture and Behaviour, Process Improvement, Global Healthcare Management, Clinical Perspectives in Physiotherapy, Applied AI for Non-Programmers, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, and The Composite Materials.

Beyond academic excellence, ISU participants immerse themselves in German language studies, Intercultural Competence training, and exploratory journeys through Germany and Osnabrück. Engaging with peers from different nations, students benefit from the wealth of experience offered by our renowned faculty. Upon successful completion, participants receive a certificate of attendance and 5 ECTS credit points. Secure your spot by registering before March 31, 2024, and invest in this enriching experience for a course fee of 1,950 Euro. Further details can be found on our website.

2. Summer University Lingen (SUL) – Lingen Campus

  • Duration: July 7 – July 20, 2024
  • Theme: «International German SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) – Sustainability in Business and Technology»

SUL provides a dynamic environment where theory meets practice. Students collaborate on the theme of sustainability in business and technology, benefiting from close ties with regional companies, on-site visits, and small, practice-oriented study groups. Lingen Campus boasts a modern learning environment within a safe and welcoming city, offering an ideal setting for a fulfilling summer abroad. The program fee is 1,200 Euro, and applications are accepted until May 1, 2024. For a comprehensive overview, visit our website and delve into the SUL 2018 video on YouTube.

We encourage our students to seize these opportunities for academic growth, cross-cultural connections, and personal development. We look forward to welcoming them to a summer filled with discovery and growth.

Fin plazo inscripción exámenes de ingles Cambridge en el Centro de Lenguas

Le recordamos que próximamente finaliza el plazo de inscripción de los exámenes de competencia lingüística en inglés Cambridge en el Centro de Lenguas:

  Cambridge Assessment English

Convocatoria de examen: MARZO 2024

Niveles: B1-PET, B2-FCE, C1-CAE y C2-CPE

         Matrícula hasta el 21 de enero, a las 14.00h. para B2 FCE y C2 CPE

Matrícula hasta el 26 de enero, a las 14.00h. para B1 PET y C1 CAE

Más información sobre los exámenes en nuestra web:

Información y matrícula

 Centro de Lenguas

Summer Schools: RTU Summer school offer for upcoming summer of 2024!

Summer school offer:

•             Nanophotonics: close-up for the future 

•             Swarm Master: Drone Fleet Commander Bootcamp

•             The NEXT | The Young Global Leaders Camp (Erasmus BIP funding available)

•             Intensive English and Cross-Cultural Communication

•             Time Capsule of Latvian Footprints

You can find more detailed information (including dates, pricing, etc.) in our web page –

Please note that application for the summer school is possible via our web page!

Instagram/Facebook: @RTUinternational

INSA-ENSAI French Summer School 2024

Dear Partner,

INSA Rennes and ENSAI, two French «Grandes Ecoles», are pleased to present an exciting and unique study abroad opportunity for international students :

2024 French Summer School Programme

It includes intensive courses of French as Foreign Language, as well as a complete cultural program, to learn about France and its culture while also learning how to speak the language.

The next INSA-ENSAI Summer School will take place from May 17th to June 17th 2024.

To see the content of the program and more details, please click on the following link

Costs & practical details:

Administrative costs: 300€ upon registration for all participants (non-refundable)
Tuition fees: 1 000€ (free for INSA partner universities’ students – To see if your university is a partner please click here) The ETSINF-UPV is partner
On-site accommodation: possibilities of housing (single room or studio upon availability) from 309€ to 504€ for one month

Possibility to choose a private residence near the campus.
Meal pass for the students’ restaurant : about 3,30€ per meal

French language classes are taught by professionally trained and certified «French as a Foreign Language» teachers. They are dedicated to students with a level of beginner or intermediate (from A1 to B1). The program entitles to 6 ECTS credits.

Apply online before March 15th 2024:

For any enquiries, please contact:

Aalto Science Institute international summer research (internship) programme 2024

Programa de verano con beca para estudiantes de grado o máster de universidades socias (como ETSINF). El lugar de realización es en Espoo, Finlandia (Aalto University, Otaniemi campus).
Las solicitudes se pueden realizar hasta el 29 de enero de 2024.
Aquí puedes consultar la lista de proyectos por áreas ofertados.
La estancia se realiza durante 12 semanas entre junio y agosto de 2024:

Internship, get to know Finland course, poster exhibitionJune-August 2024 (12 weeks) 

Más información:
Aalto Science Institute international summer research (internship) programme, which offers undergraduate and master’s students summer employment opportunities to participate first-hand in topical research, to interact with the premier research groups at Aalto University, and to network in an international environment. In support of AScI’s role in internationalisation, the internships are open to students from all countries. If you have questions related to this opportunity, please send them to the AScI staff (see below).

  • The application period for the 2024 programme is 02.01.2024 – 29.01.2024.
  • There are 60 research positions in 53 projects in 11 departments across the School of Science and the three Engineering schools. 

Further information can be found here:

The application instructions are available at the link above, see «How to apply to the AScI international summer research programme». Please also check the FAQ for most frequently asked questions. You can contact the AScI programme at: