Summer schools

Las universidades van publicando la información respecto al verano de 2024 a partir de noviembre de 2023.

Ten en cuenta que puedes conseguir ECTS y que suele haber un plazo de solicitud temprano «Early Bird» que tiene descuentos. En algunos destinos, si el estudiante es de una universidad socia Erasmus, aplican descuentos adicionales o no se pagan tasas académicas de los cursos. Consulta en el destino de tu interés, en su caso.

Si la universidad no ha publicado aún la información para 2022, puedes consultar la referencia del 2021 o anterior (muchas de las organizadas para 2020 se cancelaron o se convirtieron en virtuales).

Programa DRAC – cursos Xarxa Lluís Vives

  • Ajuts DRAC a la mobilitat dins la Regió Vives (DRAC Estiu)


Ámbito europeo:

UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe)


  • Technische Universität Berlin. TU University Summer School 
  • Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin Munich Summer School Topic: Design Thinking for Sustainability. 3 weeks Summer School (starting on September 4th 2022) Application Deadline: 1st of July 2022
    Please send your application via email to:
  •  Business and Technology made in Germany
  • Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Summer Course 2024
  • Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Bauhaus Summer School
  • Bayreuth University. Bayreuth International Summer School 2022, which will take place from the 4th of July until the 15th of July.
  • International Summer University (ISU) Osnabrück Campus, July 11 – Aug 2, 2024. Courses on bachelor level: Economics of Globalization, Cultural Management, Clinical Perspectives in Physiotherapy,  Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability, Food Lab – Special Food Technologies , Applied Artificial Intelligence for Non-Programmers. Course on postgraduate level: Global Healthcare Management. The students choose 1 course combined with classes on German language. Application register until March 31. Click here to see more information
  • Summer University Lingen (SUL) Lingen Campus, July 10  – July 23  2022.  Application Register until April 1. Summer University Lingen 2022
  • The Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research School 2022 (CMMRS). From 1 to 6 August. Further info here. Application deadline 7th February 2022



  • Changemaker Bootcamp Summer School (3 ECTS), which will run from 2 to 12 September 2019. (UC Leuven – Limburg)

During this programme, students are taught how to make a positive impact on today’s society by becoming a true changemaker. A team of insipiring coaches and experts will help all participants develop their own well-reflected changemaker action plan. Innovative sessions on power skills development, systems thinking, wicked entrepreneurship, global citizenship and natural change both in nature and at busy urban locations all over Belgium will be combined with cultural and social events.

Please note the following practicalities:

  1. Registration fee:
    1. Early bird fee: 750 euros (including accommodation, food, events and local transport)
    2. Regular fee: 1,250 euros (including accommodation, food, events and local transport)
  2. Registration deadline:  
    1. Early bird deadline: 30 June 2019
    2. After 30 June, places will be offered according to availability.
  3. Contact:

More information is also available through the following weblink.



  • University of Ljubljana. Ljubljana Summer School, 4 – 22 July 2022Summer school courses (differents fields): Schools of Slovenian language:
  • PRACE Summer of HPC 2022: dos semanas de formación online y dos meses de participación online en proyectos, a elegir en la inscripción, con otros participantes de Europa.Late-stage undergraduate and master’s students are invited to apply for the PRACE Summer of HPC 2022 programme, to be held in July & August 2022. Consisting of a training week and two months with online participation at top HPC centres around Europe, the programme offers participants the opportunity to share their experience and learn more about PRACE and HPC.
    The summer of 2022 the programme will run fully online following «new normal» experience from past two years. Applications are open until 12 April 2022.Up to 44 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate in pairs on 22 projects supported and mentored online from 11 PRACE hosting sites. Participants will spend two months teleworking on projects related to PRACE technical or industrial work and produce a report and video of their results.The programme will run from 4 July to 31 August 2022. It will begin with a kick-off online training week organised by PRACE training sites and coordinated by University of Ljubljana – to be attended by all participants.
    Applications are welcome from all disciplines. Previous experience in HPC is not required as training will be provided. Some coding knowledge is a prerequisite, but the most important attribute is a desire to learn, and share experiences with HPC. A visual flair and an interest in blogging, video blogging or social media are desirable.Applications are open until 12 April 2022 on more details please visit


  • Summer School Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Espoo):  Time:1 – 26 August 2022
    Application period:
    2 – 31 May, 2022
    Target group:
    Students who want to study in an international atmosphere and are interested in information and communication technologies.
    No tuition fees for students of Metropolia’s partner universities, but participating students need to pay for their travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses.                                  Students from partner universities register with online form before May 31st (Choose Academic year 2022-2023 and Autumn semester, «Technology» as Field of study at Metropolia, «ICT Summer School» as Purpose of the short-term mobility period, «Information and Communications Technology, 0610» as Degree programme at Metropolia).
  • TUAS International Summer School in Game Development From 10 to 28 of August (Turku, Finland)
  • Helsinki Summer School University of Helsinki.
  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) Tampere, Finland. 
  • Lahti Summer School (Lahti University of Applied Sciences) on 30 May – 10 June 2022.
  • Digital Business Master Class – Aalto Ventures Program Summer Course,The course includes three phases: self-paced pre-work and post-work and two intensive weeks of lectures and project work at Aalto.
    • 7-18 February: Pre-work (online)
    • 7-18 March: Intensive weeks (on-site at Aalto, situation permitting)
    • 19-25 March: Post-work

    Application deadline: 7 January 2002

  • Turku Summer School   Dates: August 2023, contact teaching 7-18 August and orientation day 4 August  Apply by 15 April



  • (Utrecht University,  socia ETSINF)
  • CuriousU, Summer school at the University of Twente University of Twente
  • Radboud University Summer School.  Radboud University:This summer promises to be an extra special one, with a record number of 81 courses on offer! The 2022 programme will be safe, flexible, and conform the Covid-19 regulations. Our academic courses will inspire your students and researchers, enable them to explore new scientific areas, develop their skills and expand their international network.We believe that these summer courses will complement your university’s curriculum perfectly. Since Universitat Politècnica de València is one of our valued partner universities, we offer students 25% discount on the course fee if they apply before the 1st of April 2022.How to apply
  • The Hague Summer School in the Netherlands will take place in July. Students can choose to come for a two-week or a four-week period.
  • Applied Quantum Computing Summer School 3 – 14 July 2023. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences: During two weeks in July 2023 the Summer University ‘Applied Quantum Computing’ will be organized by the AUAS School of ICT.


  • Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture, We would like to offer a fee waiver for the summer university to the first 25 applicants who
    (1) are a student of a key partner university of ELTE under the Erasmus+ programme
    (2) will be nominated as incoming Erasmus students at faculties of Eötvös Loránd                 University in the autumn semester of 2018/19 academic year.  Application Info here :                       hungarian_summer_university_Erasmus-1



  • Summer School – University of Pisa Further info here. Pisa is one of the most charming cities in Italy  It offers much in terms of nature, art, history and beauty. All the students will have the opportunity to enjoy the Tuscan sun and the nearby Tyrrhenian Sea.
  • Summer School – Sapienza University Sapienza University. Students can study and discover many aspects of Italian literature, arts and cinema, whilst perfecting their language skills. For Erasmus students, the tuition costs 50%.


Riga Technical University (RTU) Summer Schools 2022:




  • Poznán Summer School in Bioinformatics. July. More info here.
  • Politechnika Wroclawska: 3E+ Summer School 2022. You will have the chance to take part in a 60 hour, interactive, small-scale course which is specially designed to provide an intensive, in-depth look at their topic of study in a very friendly atmosphere. This year, there are 4 courses to choose from, each for 4 ECTS points!                                                                                                      Courses will last from 11th to 29th July 2022 and the students should apply before 27.05.2022.   The payment is due to 31.05.2022Early bird discount is available for applications submitted before 30.04.2022.This year we have also prepared a special 10% discount for students from our partner institutions!


República Checa

Reino Unido


  • Linköping Summer University.
    The application is now open for the Linköping University Summer Academy 2025!The application period will run until 24 March 2025, with the possibility to submit supporting documents until 28 March 2025 (deadlines: midnight CET). For more detailed information about the program, please download the  LiU Summer Academy FAQ for partners 2025

    Any interested students visit our website to learn more about the LiU Summer Academy, as well as to explore University Admissions for the application process and to submit supporting documents.


  • ETH Zürich
    Student Summer Research Fellowship 2022The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH takes place during two summer months (July 01 – August 31) and is open to all students worldwide. Application starts by beginning of November.Further information on the 2022 programme, application and the admission criteria can be found here.ETH Robotics Student Fellowship 2022The ETH Robotics Student Fellowship (ETH RSF) program offers graduate students the opportunity to research alongside experts on the specific topic of robotics of their choice. The awarded fellows will carry out cutting edge research in different areas of robotics (check out last year fellows). This fellowship will take place during summer (July 01 – August 31) and is open to all students worldwide.Application period from January 15 to February 28 – 2022.
  • The Lucerne School of Information Technology is setting up its third Summer School focusing on Designing Serious Games. The Summer School will take place from Monday, 5 September to Friday, 9 September 2022. If possible, the Summer School will be held on Campus in Rotkreuz, Switzerland.Guest speakers:
    Dr Caspar Harteveld of the Northeastern University (Boston), Michèle Müller and Céline Neubig from Enigma, Immersive Games & Exhibitions and Prof. Dr. Peter Gautschi from the University of Teacher Education Lucerne.Profile students: undergraduate students in the area of Game Development, Game Design, IT, Computer Science or similar subjects.Cost:
    There are no tuition fees for students of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and students from partner universities. International students pay for their own travel, accommodation and meals.Registration:
    Deadline for international students: 15 May 2022.
    The application form can be found on the website and should please be sent to
  • CERN Summer Student Programme (Member and Non-Member States). How does getting involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments sound? This is more than summer work. Attend lectures, visit CERN facilities, take part in discussions and workshops with people who are leaders in their fields. In fact, it will be a summer like nowhere else on Earth. Deadline to submit applications: 31-JAN-20
  • CERN openlab Summer Student Programme. Are you a Bachelor or MAster student who will have completed at least three years of full-time university studies? Period: June-August 2020. The CERN openlab summer students will work on an advanced IT project and will be given a series of IT lectures especially prepared for them by experts at CERN and other institutes. Deadline to submit applications: 31-JAN-20


Ámbito no europeo:

Corea del sur


SGroup Summer School on Intercultural China Studies in Shanghai 2019, to be held from the 5 to 31 August.

After a successful first edition in 2018, this four-week programme will include language training, lectures, workshops, seminars on Chinese culture, company visits and excursions to landmark sites, such as Beijing and the Great Wall.

Further information about the programme and how to apply will be sent to member universities by January, as well as updated in the SGroup website. Save the date: 5-31 August 2019!


  • Institutos de Verano para Jóvenes Universitarios, 2019 – Becas que cubren todos los gastos (viaje y alojamiento incluidos). Nacionalidad española y edad entre 19 y 23 años. Solicitudes del 11 de diciembre de 2018 al 9 de enero de 2019. El programa va dirigido a jóvenes con poca o ninguna experiencia previa en EEUU o en otros lugares fuera de España. Se valorará la pertenencia a sectores tradicionalmente desfavorecidos, como por ejemplo: personas con discapacidad, minorías étnicas, grupos en riesgo de exclusión social o de zonas geográficas desatendidas.

