Linköping University Summer Academy 2025. Inscripciones abiertas

Os compartimos información que nos ha enviado sobre la Linköping University Summer Academy

We are very excited to announce that the application is now open for the Linköping University Summer Academy 2025!

The application period will run until 24 March 2025, with the possibility to submit supporting documents until 28 March 2025 (deadlines: midnight CET).

We kindly ask any interested students to visit our website to learn more about the LiU Summer Academy.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

French Language and French Culture Summer School 2025

Las universidades INSA Rennes and ENSAI Rennes, universidades socias, nos han compartido información sobre cursos de verano de francés que se organizan del 2 al 30 de Junio del 2025. Al ser una universidad socia, no hay que pagar tasas de matrícula para realizar el curso.

A continuación os dejamos la información correspondiente:

The summer school is intended for students who wish to deepen their knowledge in French Language and French Culture. Through a rich program of intensive courses of French as a foreign language and a complete cultural programme including a visit of Mont Saint Michel and a walk accross its bay, Saint-Malo the famous corsair town, and many other local visits, participants will have the opportunity to interact with international and local students and expand their academic and professional networks.

Accommodation is available and guaranteed on INSA campus.

Eligibility Criteria:
    Beginner or intermediate level in French (A1 to B1)

Fees :
    Administrative costs : 300 euros
    No tuition fees for students from partner universities
    Students will have to cover their own travel and accommodation, and meals
Application Process:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application before 15th March 2025 via Application

Más información

For any questions, please feel free to contact at

Bayreuth International Summer School

From 14 to 18 July 2014 will be hold the 3rdBayreuth International Summer School” with 8 courses in different subject areas. All courses will be conducted in English by international guest professors:

  • Course 1: European and International Consumer Law
  • Course 2: International Business and Management
  • Course 3: Economic Growth & Development (Economics & International Relations)
  • Course 4: Business Process Management (Computer Sciences)
  • Course 5: Advanced Polymers in Engineering and Energy (Material Science)
  • Course 6: Health Politics and Policy in Comparative Perspective (Health Care Management)
  • Course 7: International Trends in Sport Management
  • Course 8: Experimental Physics (course 8 will take place in October 2014)

The advantage for students: Intensive learning and working in an international atmosphere within small groups of max. 15-20 participants. And: Students from partner universities (like ETSINF) will receive a waiver of tuition fees, so would only have to cover cost for board and accommodation (2-3 students per course, on a first-come, first-served basis)!

NEW: Students could combine their participation of the one week Summer School with an internship! students may contact anytime with their area of interest and their preferred date for an internship).

Latest flyer for Summer School is enclosed here. Click the following link for more info: Contact: