STEM SUMMER at University of Memphis (1-23 julio 2023)

El Lunes 19 vienen a la UPV a informar de las becas de la embajada de EEUU para una estancia de 3 semanas, del 1 al 23 de julio de 2023, en la Universidad de Memphis para alumnos de Grado interesados en cursar estudios de Master en EEUU.

Este proyecto tiene el objetivo de mejorar las oportunidades profesionales en STEM para estudiantes de grado de España y Andorra en Estados Unidos. Este proyecto está financiado por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Madrid.

El programa tiene una duración de 3 semanas y los estudiantes tendrán clases de inglés, desarrollo profesional y un simposio de investigación por la mañanas. Por las tardes harán una pequeña estancia de investigación en laboratorios de la universidad.

La página web del programa es: 
Más información (adjunta) . Las solicitudes se podrán realizar del 28 de diciembre al 28 de febrero de 2023.

La charla será presencialmente en el American Space UPV el 19 de diciembre a las 13:00h. Podrá seguirse también por zoom en el siguiente link:

VIA´s summer school programme 2023 is ready!

VIA UNIVERSITY ya ha compartido la información sobre sus escuelas de verano para el próximo año. En esta entrada puedes informarte sobre ello, y recuerda que los estudiantes de universidades socias (es el caso de ETSINF) pueden solicitar no pagar tasas.

New additions to the course list for 2023
For 2023, VIA offers 7 summer school courses, of which two are brand new developments. Like last year students can join 2d TV-Animation and Deep Dive into Entrepreneurship as well as International Health: Welfare Technology and Dementia, Multi-Story Timber Constructions and the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals summer schools.

New additions this year are Crowdsourcing and strategic innovation communication on digital platforms and Sustainable Intrapreneurship.

The full course list is ready and the application system is now open.

Remember you are always very welcome to contact us at, if you need more information.

Find the full course list here!

Summer School online info meetings

In January, there will be two online meetings about VIA’s Summer School 2023 programme, where students and counsellors can learn more about the content of the 7 courses and plenty of time for Q&A.

– 19 January 2023, 4-5 PM – Sign up here!
– 24 January 2023, 4-5 PM – Sign up here!

Summer school «Digital Health Technologies»

Summer University in “Digital Health Technologies”. Organizada por Riga Technical University and University of Bergamo

The 5th Edition is structured as a 1-week virtual school with the unique option to add a 1-week in presence internship at Riga Technical University or/and University of Bergamo.

The calendar of the summer school is as follows:

1) Virtual school (online): 25-29 July, 2022
2) Internship at the University of Bergamo: 28 August-03 September 2022
3) Internship at Riga Technical University: 04-10 September, 2022

All information about the Summer School may be found at the following link:

The summer school is open to Bachelor, Master and PhD students enrolled in programs related to health, engineering, electronics, information technologies.

Summer School 2022 5-9 September 2022 on Designing Serious Games (en Suiza)

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, universidad socia de la ETSINF en Suiza, nos envía información sobre este curso de verano, que tendrá lugar del 5 al 9 de septiembre de 2022 (no es periodo lectivo en la ETSINF):

The Lucerne School of Computer Science & Information Technology is setting up its third Summer School focusing on Designing Serious Games.

The Summer School will take place from Monday, 5 September to Friday, 9 September 2022. If possible, the Summer School will be held on Campus in Rotkreuz, Switzerland.

  • Guest speakers:
    – Dr Caspar Harteveld of the Northeastern University (Boston), Michèle Müller and Céline Neubig from Enigma, Immersive Games & Exhibitions and Prof. Dr. Peter Gautschi from the University of Teacher Education Lucerne.
  • Profile students: undergraduate students in the area of Game Development, Game Design, IT, Computer Science or similar subjects.
  • Cost:
    There are no tuition fees for students of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and students from partner universities. International students pay for their own travel, accommodation and meals.
  • Registration:
    Deadline for international students: 15 May 2022.
    The application form can be found on the website and should please be sent to

More information: website and on the following flyer:

ICT Summer School at Metropolia UAS, 1 – 26 August 2022

ICT Sumer School at Metropolia UAS will be organised in August 2022 for the 22nd time. You are kindly invited to participate!

The list of courses offered and more information about the ICT Summer School can be found in their website. All courses in the ICT Summer School are taught in English. ICT Summer School courses are held in Metropolia Myyrmäki campus in the city of Vantaa.

Time: 1 – 26 August 2022
Application period: 2 – 31 May, 2022
Target group: Students who want to study in an international atmosphere and are interested in information and communication technologies.
Fee: No tuition fees for students of Metropolia’s partner universities, but participating students need to pay for their travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses.


Students from partner universities register with online form:

  • Choose Academic year 2022-2023 and Autumn semester
  • Choose «Technology» as Field of study at Metropolia
  • Choose «ICT Summer School» as Purpose of the short-term mobility period
  • Choose «Information and Communications Technology, 0610» as Degree programme at Metropolia

Deadline for applications 31 May, 2022. Applicants will be informed in June to which courses they are selected for. Please note! The most popular courses can fill up quickly so it is good register as early as possible.

Since there are no tuition fees for students from partner universities, applicants need to provide us with confirmation from home university that:

  1. they are degree students there,
    and that
  2. the home university approves their participation in the ICT Summer School at Metropolia.

Confirmation via e-mail is enough for this purpose.

Summer School 2022 5-9 September 2022 on Designing Serious Games (en Suiza)

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, universidad socia de la ETSINF en Suiza, nos envía información sobre este curso de verano, que tendrá lugar del 5 al 9 de septiembre de 2022 (no es periodo lectivo en la ETSINF):

The Lucerne School of Computer Science & Information Technology is setting up its third Summer School focusing on Designing Serious Games.

The Summer School will take place from Monday, 5 September to Friday, 9 September 2022. If possible, the Summer School will be held on Campus in Rotkreuz, Switzerland.

  • Profile students: undergraduate students in the area of Game Development, Game Design, IT, Computer Science or similar subjects.
  • Cost:
    There are no tuition fees for students of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and students from partner universities. International students pay for their own travel, accommodation and meals.
  • Registration:
    Deadline for international students: 15 May 2022.
    The application form can be found on the website and should please be sent to

More information: website and on the following flyer:

University Summer Academy en Suecia (Linköping) 2022

La universidad socia Erasmus+ de la ETSINF en Suecia, Linköping University ofrece plazas gratuitas para estudiantes de universidades socias en sus cursos de verano de 4 semanas, del 4 de julio al 29 de julio de 2022.

En caso de interés, debes escribir un email a, con asunto «Solicitud Linköping University Summer Academy» hasta el 15 de marzo de 2022, para tener opción a la nominación.

Requisitos: tener al menos 1º superado y nivel de inglés B2.

Tienes toda la información detallada en:

5th Linköping University Summer Academy

All courses are at bachelor’s level, credit bearing (7.5 ECTS), will be taught in English and are full-time. For students from LiU’s partner universities the LiU Summer Academy is tuition free.

On 1st February 2022 we will open for students to apply on our website. The admission application deadline is 25th March, 2022 (midnight CET). To apply the student needs a transcript showing 60 ECTS or equivalent passed, as well as a nomination certificate, signed and stamped by their international coordinator.

Housing will be provided; a completely furnished single room with access to a fully equipped shared kitchen. We have an Accommodation package (including rent, bed linen, blanket, internet access, a regional bus pass, a gym membership, and a final room cleaning) for 5500 SEK (approximately 530€).

More information on the LiU Summer Academy can be found at our website: or on the following poster:

Universidades internacionales de verano 2022

summer programs

Os informamos que en el apartado superior «Universidades de Verano» del Blog de RRII ETSINF, encontraréis información que iremos actualizando continuamente acerca de cursos de verano de distintas Universidades que nos llegan a la Oficina Internacional ETSINF.

Las universidades van publicando la información respecto al verano de 2022, a partir de diciembre de 2021. Ten en cuenta que  suele haber un plazo de solicitud temprano «Early Bird» que tiene descuentos. En algunos destinos, si el estudiante es de una universidad socia Erasmus, aplican descuentos adicionales o no se pagan tasas académicas de los cursos. Consulta en el destino de tu interés, en su caso y comunica tu intención de hacer una solicitud a la Oficina Internacional ETSINF ( para que te podamos «nominar» como estudiante beneficiario de esos descuentos o beneficios.

Si estás pensando mejorar tu competencia en idiomas y, a la vez, adquirir otras competencias transversales o conocimientos técnicos extracurriculares, estos programas te permitirán hacerlo, en ocasiones con menor coste que si realizas únicamente un curso de idioma en el extranjero.

Por ejemplo, esta universidad de verano en Linköping (Suecia), universidad socia Erasmus+ de la ETSINF, propone un programa de 4 semanas, del 4 de julio al 29 de julio de 2022:

5th Linköping University Summer Academy:

All courses are at bachelor’s level, credit bearing (7.5 ECTS), will be taught in English and are full-time. For students from LiU’s partner universities the LiU Summer Academy is tuition free.

On 1st February 2022 we will open for students to apply on our website. The admission application deadline is 25th March, 2022 (midnight CET). To apply the student needs a transcript showing 60 ECTS or equivalent passed, as well as a nomination certificate, signed and stamped by their international coordinator.

Housing will be provided; a completely furnished single room with access to a fully equipped shared kitchen. We have an Accommodation package (including rent, bed linen, blanket, internet access, a regional bus pass, a gym membership, and a final room cleaning) for 5500 SEK (approximately 530€).

More information on the LiU Summer Academy can be found at our website: or on the following poster:

Becas para curso de verano de animación 3D en Universidad Técnica de Riga (UTR), Letonia

Este verano de 2021 la Universidad Técnica de Riga (UTR) en Letonia ofrece cursos de verano para estudiantes y personal internacional de todo el mundo.

El curso de Mundo de animación 3D tiene becas disponibles y su deadline es el 1 de abril de 2021. Descarga el siguiente documento para ver más información sobre el curso:

Más información sobre otros cursos:

•  Bioeconomía. Uso sostenible de fuentes biológicos (becas disponibles)

•  Riga – la perla de la arquitectura de madera de Letonia (becas disponibles)

•  Robótica: Aplicación en la vida real (sin beca)

•  Tecnología emergente inteligente: IoT para ciudades inteligentes (sin beca)

•  Cápsula de tiempo de las huellas letonas (sin beca)

•  Inglés intensivo y comunicación transcultural (sin beca)

•  Liderazgo global (sin beca)

•  Inglés intensivo (sin beca)

Abre el siguiente documento para ver más información sobre los cursos de verano:

Summer School – Radboud Summer School 2021

5 – 16 July and 2 – 13 August, 2021

For 2021 Radboud University has over 50 online and on-campus courses on offer: check out their course overview. The 2021 programme will be safe, flexible, and conform the Covid-19 regulations.

Since Universitat Politècnica de València is one of their valued partner universities, they offer our students 25% discount on the course fee if they apply before the 1st of March 2021.

Radboud Summer School is organized by Radboud University, one of the leading academic centers of excellence in the Netherlands. Over 850 participants from 75 countries joined us in 2019 and we received a participant rating of 8.7 out of 10.

Click here to see more information