2024 summer short courses offered by the Centre for International Training and Education for both students and academic staff.
International Summer Programmes
This year, we are offering four International Summer Programmes in August, including a new option, English for Business. All are designed to improve general and academic English skills as well as give students a taste of life at a British university.
English for Business International Summer Programme – this is aimed at business students who would like to improve their English for use in a business context whilst being introduced to a range of business topics in a lecture series.
English for Humanities International Summer Programme – this is ideal for students who wish to improve their academic and general English while learning about British theatre, literature and film.
English for Medics International Summer Programme – this longstanding course is for medical students who wish to improve their English in a medical setting, as well as find out about contemporary health and medical topics in the UK.
Leicester Discovery International Summer Programme – Discovery is ideal for students who wish to improve their language skills through a range of activities encouraging the use of spoken English, in addition to daily English classes.
We have two scholarships available, one reserved for students of University of Leicester partners. For more information, please contact summer@le.ac.uk.
Teacher Development Programmes
Our two week TDPs are aimed at experienced teachers who wish to continue their professional development in a UK university setting.
EAP Teacher Development Programme – EAP TDP is designed for experienced English teachers who wish to learn more about the features of English for Academic Purposes and its teaching. The Rachel Abounouar Scholarship is open for applications.
EMI Teacher Development Programme – EMI TDP is aimed at developing the teaching skills of academic staff who are teaching or intending to teach their subject in English.
More information: internationalcpd@le.ac.uk.
Study Abroad Unit
Centre for International Training and Education
External Relations Division
University of Leicester | University Road | Leicester | LE1 7RH | UK
w: www.le.ac.uk