Programa de prácticas remuneradas en verano en Finlandia (Aalto Science Institute) para estudiantes de Grado o Máster, en Aalto University, universidad socia Erasmus+ de la ETSINF. En el enlace inicial aparecen los perfiles ofrecidos (AScI internships: Available positions) y el procedimiento de solicitud, cuya fecha límite es el 31 de enero de 2021. En caso de duda o selección, por favor dirígete a la oficina internacional ETSINF (int_inf@upvnet.upv.es) para poder gestionar la ayuda adicional Erasmus+ Prácticas.
The Aalto Science Institute internship programme offers bachelor’s and master’s students funded opportunities to participate first-hand in topical research, to interact with the premier research groups at Aalto University, and to network in an international environment.
* 46 positions are available in a wide range of topics in science and engineering: https://www.aalto.fi/en/aalto-science-institute/asci-internships-summer-2021-research-projects
* AScI interns are usually hired for 12 weeks, typically in the period June – August.
* The interns are employed by departments and research groups, and the exact timing of the internship may be agreed with the hosting department.
* Open to students from all countries.
* Application deadline January 31, 2021.
* AScI interns will receive a salary from their hosting department which is sufficient to cover living costs and accommodation. The salary is determined by experience and qualifications according to the salary system of Aalto University. The minimum salary is 1700 €/ month.
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Further information asci@aalto.fi