Prácticas en la Institución del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo: Web development – OMB/T/2022/2

IT traineeship 2022 – Web developer trainee

The European Ombudsman’s mission is to support European citizenship. We do this by dealing with complaints and by working with the institutions of the EU to help create a more accountable, transparent, ethical and effective administration. To fulfil this mission, we deal with complaints concerning maladministration by EU institutions, conduct own-initiative inquiries into systemic issues, and encourage good administrative practices in the EU’s administration.
Our guiding principles are independence, integrity, fairness, accountability, transparency, dialogue, and service.

Equal opportunities
The European Ombudsman is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from anybody who meets the eligibility criteria and required qualifications. We will try to accommodate the needs of applicants with disabilities.


Candidates should be nationals of a Member State of the European Union, or of an accession/candidate country.

Candidates should not have benefitted, for more than eight consecutive weeks or two full months, from a previous paid traineeship or work contract in a European institution, body, agency, office, service, delegation, representation, including the office of a Member of the European Parliament or of a European political group.

Candidates should either have a Master’s/Engineer degree in software development or be in the process of completing it. In the latter case, the traineeship can be part of their master/engineer programme.

Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU and very good knowledge of another. The working languages are English and/or French.

2.Required qualifications

● Good knowledge of Java, Angular, and HTML5/CSS3
● Knowledge of Hibernate, Spring, Javascript, Typescript, SQL, dotNET, C-sharp, MS Sharepoint or MS CRM Dynamics would be an advantage.

3.Tasks and tools to be used

The web developer trainee will assist in the development of the Ombudsman’s Internet and Extranet sites ( and of internal web based applications.

During the traineeship, the trainee will be using the following tools:
● Analysis: Magic Draw (UML)
● Design: IntelliJ / MS Visual Studio
● Testing: JUnit, Selenium
● Project Management: Jira
● Quality: Sonar
● Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Maven
● Manager Version: Git

4.Location, timing, and duration of the traineeship

The traineeship will take place in Strasbourg. Subject to developments in the COVID-19 sanitary crisis, the selected trainee may be required to do extensive telework during the traineeship.

The starting date can be agreed with the selected trainee but the traineeship should ideally start on 1 May 2022.

The traineeship has a maximum duration of 12 months. A shorter duration may be agreed upon request.

Trainees receive a monthly grant in accordance with the conditions defined in the Decision of the European Ombudsman concerning traineeships (see: additional information). The grant for the Strasbourg-based trainees is approximately €1450 per month. Additionally, trainees receive a €40 monthly supplement as support for their internet connection.

5.Application & selection procedure

The deadline for applications is 21 February 2022 at 13:00 (Brussels time).

To apply, please only use our online application form available at:

The selection procedure comprises two stages: preselection based on the application (CV and motivation letter) and final selection following a test and an interview.
Candidates will receive relevant information by e-mail.

6.Additional Information

For further information concerning the terms and conditions of the traineeship, please refer to the Decision of the European Ombudsman concerning traineeships which applies by analogy for the web developer traineeship.

For general information on the processing of your personal data see


For further information regarding the web developer traineeship, please contact:


Tel.: +33 3 88 17 44 10
