Beca para Máster en 2016-17: «Dependable Software Systems»

Solicitudes de beca hasta el 31 de enero de 2016

The Erasmus Mundus MSc in Dependable Software Systems offers students the chance to study at Maynooth University in Ireland, University of St Andrews in Scotland or University of Lorraine in France on a double master’s programme, obtaining a double MSc at the end of two years. Tuition is through the English Language. This course was awarded the Best New Postgraduate Course in Ireland 2013. Applicants who are on target for a high honours degree (2.1 or higher) have a strong chance of obtaining one of the many scholarships available. Scholarships to a maximum €49,000 (Partner Country Scholarships) per student per programme are available to eligible applicants.   Apply by January 31st  2016.

Solicitudes e información: